Friday, November 28, 2008

Oh Boy...

And that was "oh boy : ( " as the opposite of "Oh Boy!!" Here I am directing people to MYspace and completely forgetting that AOL shutdown it's ftp space. Most of my pictures were hosted there & I loved it because they posted in the size you sent it (no automatic resizing) and it was easily accessable from my bookmarks with no additional signing in and remembering THAT particular websites password. All you see are the little red 'X's unless you go into my pics. The slideshow is still there because it's hosted on photobucket but that's not really current and I still have not found a comparable site to AOL to host my pics. Boohoo. I'm done whining now.

Today is Black Friday and you'll find me nowhere near the madness. Never quite saw the sense in that to save a few more dollars. In this economy you can bet that the stores will be offering the same or better discounts closer to Christmas when they realize that this shopping season will be another bust for them. I will sit here & relax today and keep my sanity, thank you very much!

Aside from the current Holiday hubbaloo, I have been keeping very busy...more on that later! TTFN~


Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Josie! I stayed away from the shopping madness too!

Happy Holidays to you!

Lisa :)

suzanne.artist said...

Always fun to swing by and see your art! and read your posts.


Dianie said...

Josay you are one talented gal!! Love your blog :)
