Here's a peek at my latest offering for SpookyTime Jingles for the month of August. I call this one "The Hag Wagon".
This one is a pretty involved piece with the wagon, the two pumpkins, the hag & her hat & broom. I kept wanting to add stuff such as a cat but I would have had to attach her hat to her head so the cat could sit on the pumpkin but I think that would have made the sculpt too high. As it is now it is almost as long as it is high (10"x 11" x 6").
She has some fun little details such as branches made from epoxy affixed to the side of the wagon with copper wire to hold her broom and the use of the vintage easter grass turned out to be just perfect for the bedding of straw. I am particularly fond of the face on the second pumpkin : )
And here is my Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat WIP update which are both a little further along than this. Mad needs mounted to a base. He has a hat and is painted but is a bit heavier than planned so the intended candlestick although made of wrought iron may be too tall so I fear it may be topheavy.